We have all heard about Go-Getters, they can be the engine room of your team or organisation. The majority of leaders would love a team of Go-Getters. Well, I’d like to challenge that. Why have a team of Go Getters when you can have a team of Go-Givers? (who are also Go Getters)
Recently I had the opportunity to read a ‘little story about a powerful business idea’, the Go-Giver. It’s a quick read (<150 pages) but is a powerful concept and way of life. It resonated with me as it aligns with my core values and is a book that I think everyone can relate to and grow from. So what is a Go-Giver?
The 5 laws of stratospheric success that the Go-Giver follows are:

This book uses a parable to share Joe's experience in sales and shares a journey that he embarks on to understand what it is to be a Go-Giver. It’s a powerful read that I have already recommended to colleagues, clients and friends. Some of my other favourite quotes from this book are:
Everyone likes to be appreciated.
People will do business with and refer business to people they know, like and trust.
The point isn’t to have them pay you more, it’s to give them more. You give, give, give. Why? Because you love to. It’s not a strategy, it’s a way of life. And when you do, then very, very profitable things begin to happen.
All the great fortunes in the world have been created by men and women who had a greater passion for what they were giving — their product, service or idea — than for what they were getting. And many of those great fortunes have been squandered by other who had a greater passion for what they were getting than what they were giving.
They are the three universal reasons for working. Survive — to meet your basic living needs. Save — to go beyond your basic needs and expand your life. And serve — to make a contribution to the world around you.
Watch out for the other guy. Watch out for his interests. Watch his back. Forget about fifty-fifty, son. Fifty-fifty’s a losing proposition. The only winning proposition is one hundred percent. Make your win about the other person, go after what he wants. Forget win-win — focus on the other person’s win.
These lessons don’t apply only to business, Joe. A genuinely sound business principle will apply anywhere in life — in your friendships, in your marriage, anywhere. That’s the true bottom line. Not whether it simply improves your financial balance sheet, but whether it improves your life’s balance sheet.
It’s worth ten thousand times more than all the closing techniques that ever have been or ever will be invented. It’s called authenticity.
You just love what you do. You love talking with people, asking them questions, learning all about them, finding ways you can help them, serve them, fill a need, share a resource.
So the secret to success, to gaining it, to having it, is to give, give, give. The secret to getting is giving. And the secret to giving is making yourself open to receiving.
You can’t measure your success by whether or not you get the account. That’s not the point. The point is not what you do. Not what you accomplish. It’s who you are.

I could write a commentary about each of these quotes and all the elements of the book and how they interweave to create success or I could do what I think is better; to call you to buy the book and not just read it but actually implement it in your life and your chosen craft for the benefit of you and those around you.
If you are looking to challenge your mindset and more importantly change the way you act in 2019 then this book is for you!
What a world we would have if we all focused on being Go-Givers instead of interested in ‘What’s In It For Me’. A world that is more giving, more grateful, more successful, more serving and more receiving.

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For more information on the Go-Giver check out
This article is originally published at www.matthewcossens.com/blog/
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