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Get Started

Writer's picture: Matthew CossensMatthew Cossens

People are always looking for the quick fix.

What's the secret to success? What's the 5 steps to this, 10 steps to that.

If only it was that simple!

And even if there was a recipe that was that straightforward most people wouldn't do it.

When I think about this, I think about getting Abs. Everyone knows the recipe........clean eating and exercise, calories in vs calories out. We all know it but few have them. In fact as a society we are more obese than we have ever been.

Your dreams, goals and career isn't as simple as getting Abs but the keys to success are well known. I’ve spoken about the keys to success previously.

I believe, too many people hesitate from getting started as they are waiting for everything to be perfect…… it market conditions or themselves personally, to be crystal clear on their why, their dream, their goals. These are all important but a boat sitting in the harbour can be paralysed waiting for the perfect path to present itself.

You can waste or even worse lose your opportunity to show the world your craft waiting for the right time.

When I look at the best in class in their field (business, sport, life) none of them waited for the perfect moment to act. They had a simple vision and they go after it! They worked hard and then made adjustments along the way when the normal storms of life came their way. No one’s path to success is a straight line.

Life doesn't work that way, success doesn't work that way. You need to be moving forward, be comfortable with getting knocked down, failing and pushing forward.

I prefer to get out on the water, be action orientated and recalibrate on the way.

I think back to my discussion with Tien Ti on innovation. I paraphrase, but he shared the analogy of a large organsiation being an oil tanker that’s heading in a certain direction, but to innovate it needs to send out speed boats to explore new terrain or areas of opportunity. These speed boats can inform the oil tanker on a change in direction or how to avoid an iceberg. They can discover a new path or a chart a better way forward.

I think this analogy can be used for your life. You are the oil tanker, perhaps you haven't nailed your why (but you have a basic idea or dream), you’re not sure of your identity, (but you have some core values) you haven't got clear and measurable goals in all areas of your life, (but you know your needs) you might not know all the people that are going to help you on the way (but you have some people in your corner) you might not have it all nailed down. (but you’re willing to grind)

Simply putting in the work, chasing towards a dream might be the very thing that helps you connect with the right people, begins to open the right doors.

“Where focus goes, energy flows. And wherever energy flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows” I love this quote by Tony Robbins. So don’t spend your time focusing and procrastinating, turn your focus to action, getting started and find clarity on the way.

It’s all about having an action orientation. A mindset for getting it done. Don’t overcomplicate it at the start. If you have an idea then go after it, try, do, do, do and do again. Reflect, iterate, challenge the results and look for opportunities. Believe everything works for you and not against you.

But first and foremost , you’ve just gotta get started!!

How do you push yourself to get started? What holds you back from taking the next step?

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@2018 Matthew Cossens

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