For those who have followed my blog for some time or know me personally you would know that I am a huge advocate for personal growth. Why? Because the best investment you can make is in yourself. You are the biggest asset in your life. The most appreciable asset in your life is not your house, your share portfolio or anything other than you! So why not put everything into its growth.

If you work on my team then we have a relentless pursuit of this! Why? Because I whole heartedly believe that if you holistically improve as a person, you improve as a professional, you are more fulfilled, (in all areas of your life) and ultimately more successful. This in turns leads to you being able to give more to others and raise others up. Why wouldn’t you chase after that?
The impact your growth will have on those in your circle of influence, those around you, customers, your mark on the world, your legacy are all directly impacted by the level of investment you make in yourself.
Many people I meet talk about investment in shares, property, crypto (and don’t get me wrong these all have a place, albeit I am very sceptical about Crypto….call me old fashioned) but rarely do I hear someone talk about the ongoing investments they make in themselves. I love sitting down with people and hearing about how they are investing in themselves. That’s a journey that excites me and that I love learning from.
So where and how can you invest in yourself? Here are some areas to consider:
Invest In A Mentor or Coach
I won’t go into details about the differences about a Mentor or a Coach in this blog post however both can add significant value to your life and help you fast track your development. I have a group of mentors that have invested in me throughout my life/career and I can safely say that I wouldn’t be the person I am without their guidance, wisdom, perspective and ability to challenge me directly.
These mentors have both been within my industry and outside of it, are people I admire and I can call and know that they genuinely want to do all they can to help me go to the next level.
In addition, I have used coaches in specific areas where I am chasing development and found it hugely beneficial.
The combination of the two in parallel is the most powerful. Mentors I tend to have long term relationships with (multiple years +) while coaching is typically shorter term or specific.

Find An Expert / Go To Seminars
Success leaves clues. If you want to find a way to level up, find someone who has been there before, done that and earnt the badge!
Seek them out online and connect, network through your connections or find them at a seminar.
I’ve had the privilege of spending time with John Maxwell, Jack Daly, Liz Wizeman, Michael Bungay-Stanier etc all through seminars. Each of these individuals I had the chance of not only attending their seminar but to have lunch with them and ask specific questions about their areas of expertise. This has helped me form my thinking across leadership, sales, relationships, influence and look at both the positives and negatives found in strength areas.

At seminars you can also build relationships with those around you, people on the same path who are looking to grow, develop and go to the next level. Use them to network with new people and build relationships you wouldn’t have had previously.
Read Books & Blogs / Listen To Audiobooks
It goes without saying that your library should be growing each year. Invest in different areas of development, be an avid reader, consume content and start to see new connections and concepts form.
At any given stage I have at least 3 or 4 books on the go and usually a couple of audiobooks queued up for when I go for a ran. (I will write a list in the following weeks of what I have on the go at the moment for 2021)
But don’t stop there! Find some great blogs of thought leaders in your area of expertise, talk with them, engage, learn!
Find Some Great Podcasts / YouTube Content
Podcasts are another great way to find experts and learn. They are easy to find and a much better way to spend your commute. Each day as part of my routine I am either listening to an audiobook or a podcast.
Some podcasts I regularly consume at the moment are:
John Maxwell Leadership Podcast
John Maxwell Executive Leadership Podcast
Simon Sinek – A Bit Of Optimism
Ed Mylett – The Ed Mylett Show
Bob Burg – The Go-Giver Podcast
Anthony Iannarino
Future Women Leadership Series
Brendan Burchard – The Brendon Show
I also look for interesting interviews between thought leaders, YouTube content etc. It’s all about a thirst for learning.
Invest In Others / Give Back
One of the best ways I continue to grow is to invest into others, share my knowledge and act as either a mentor or coach, either formally or informally.
This challenges you to think about your own knowledge and opens new insights along the way.
Whether this is to a large group online, (I’ve ran seminars with the team at NRF and RCSA), individual mentoring, a coaching call or through leading and developing the Aurec team, all of these have pushed me to continue to grow, develop and seek new knowledge.

What Can I Learn From This Person?
Go into each interaction with a mindset to learn. I love to engage with new people and consider ‘what can I learn from this person?’. If that’s your mindset you will be curious to unlock something new.
It really is a powerful tool. On top of this I also think about who does this person know that I should know or could learn from? This will lead you to new conversations and growth.

Invest Time In Relationships That Make You Grow
Spend the most time in relationships that make you grow. I’ve spoken often about the people in your circle of influence and the impact they have. Find relationships that want to see you grow, develop and win. Spend time with people you love in conversations that bring life.
Invest In Your Health!!
It goes without saying that investing in your Health has huge benefits! Although I am fit and aware of nutrition etc I have spent a considerable amount of time this year looking into my broader health including sleep, meditation/reducing stress, the different systems of the body and I am about to jump into two books by Norman Doidge on the Brain (The Brain That Changes Itself & The Brain’s Way Of Healing)
Health is wealth is a cliché saying but understanding your body, your health, nutrition, energy levels and find new ways to improve in this area are going to pay off both in the short and long term.

Invest Elsewhere
Think about the areas you are investing in now that are getting too much attention. Take time to do an inventory of where you are currently investing and change your portfolio! Invest elsewhere.
Limit areas that serve no purpose, relationships that bring you down and invest in things you love, enjoy & help you grow or in an area you haven’t considered before.
Invest In Your Family / Your Spouse
Last but by no means least! Invest in your family and significant other. Take all the investments, dividends and returns you have made in other areas and re-invest them in your family. There is nothing greater than your family and your spouse. The impact you have on your family and the legacy you leave will in this area will be felt for generations!

What do you do to invest in yourself further? What are the best investmens you have made?
Share your thoughts and comments below.